
Use on decks or floors for a non-slip surface suitable for bare feet. Great for boat decks, shower and pool surrounds.

EASYTREAD floor paint is a single-pack water-based non-slip floor coating which cures into a non-toxic film and offers a non-slip floor surface for a range of applications, including a wide variety of floors, shower surrounds, platforms, walkways, ladders, etc.

EASYTREAD differs from HARDPAVE in that it contains a resilient and compressible anti-slip particle with a larger particle size which provides a comfortable surface for traversing with bare feet. HARDPAVE on the other hand contains a very fine but hard anti-slip particle, which contributes to a tough wear-resistant finish. Both products are "ready to use" and do not require the use of messy and time-consuming grit spreading.

The products are also ideal for surfaces which may flex slightly(such as woolden decking and floors) and can tolerate the presence of water, including salt water.

EASYTREAD may also be used in hospitals and retirement homes, etc. since no toxic or offensive fumes are emitted and the products are quick drying. The coating is based upon a high performance acrylic polymer emulsion which dries to a firm and even film. The high molecular weight of the base polymer contributes to the strong pigment binding power of the coating, as well as providing an excellent toughness and durability, combined with a superior adhesion to metals, fibreglass, concrete, wood, etc. The product gives off no fumes or objectionable smells and is pleasant and easy to use, even in confined apaces.

Special Features:

  • Quick development of adhesion
  • Water wash up(no solvents)
  • Fair resistance to abrasion
  • Easy to roll on or brush
  • Goes over any clean dry surface
  • Wide range of colours
  • Early water resistance
  • No toxic fumes or solvents
  • Can be recoated at any time if required
  • Non toxic in the dry state