MetLube® Metalworking Fluid

MetLube® Metal Working Fluid was built to outperform other metalworking fluids across a wide range of applications -  even cutting oils. It is the next generation in metalworking fluids.

MetLube® Metal Working Fluid was built to outperform other metalworking fluids across a wide range of applications -  even cutting oils. It is the next generation in metalworking fluids.

Until now, choosing the right metalworking fluid for your specific needs has been a game of compromise. If you need high lubricity, you usually get poor heat dissipation. If you need a non-corrosive fluid with a biocide, the biocide itself might be corrosive. If a fluid works well, it may be hazardous to the operator and the environment. If it is environmentally safe or non-toxic, the product may not work effectively. The compromises never end.Now you have a real choice. MetLube® Metalworking Fluid is a multi-machine, multi-application metalworking fluid built on chemistry unlike any other found in the industry. In MetLube's Complex Synthetic technology, molecules work together to create benefits rather than fighting or replacing each other. This Complex Synthetic technology gives you all the features and benefits without the compromise of:

  • high lubricity
  • low viscosity
  • high heat dissipation
  • no bacteria growth
  • non-flammable
  • fully rejects tramp oil
  • no cleanup / residue on parts
  • non-staining
  • safe for workers

That means you will have high lubricity and high heat dissipation, which will give you longer tool life, faster cutting speeds and superior surface finish. Since MetLube® does not promote bacteria growth and fully rejects tramp oils, it does not require biocides, which means you will avoid foul odors, dermatitis issues and will get a longer system life.Finally, MetLube® is waste-treatable and biodegradable which means you will be able to dispose of it easier than existing metalworking fluid technology.Industries that use this product: Gun Care, Aviation, Construction & Restoration, Food Service, Automotive, Transportation, Manufacturing.

MetLube® Applications

MetLube® is a revolutionary, multi-machine, multi-application metalworking fluid built on chemistry unlike any other found in the industry. MetLube® has proven results in all the following machines and applications: 

MetLube Application

Technical Info

Download MetLube's Technical Data Sheet

MetLube's superior performance has been proven time and time again as working with a wide variety of applications and materials. Read some of our case studies demonstarating MetLube's proven performance.

Case Studies Demonstrating MetLube's Performance:

Case Study #44 - Increase Sump Life
Case Study #45 - Lower Scrap Rate Case Study
Case Study #51 - Increased Tool Life
Case Study #55 - Removed Rust 
Case Study #57 - Lower Scrap Rate And Improved Surface Finish

MetLube's unique Complex Synthetic technology offers substantial operation cost savings and superior performace while assuring environmental and worker safety. THe combination of MetLube's features provides cost savings and benefits that all lead to higher productivity and lower operating costs - improving your bottom line.

MetLube Features


Pantheon Enterprises' technologies are bringing direct solutions to all aspects of business to solve complex problems and to help build a socially responsible business community. Our solutions significantly reduce the impact on the environment while providing better levels of effectivemess - shattering the myth that "safe" technologies are more expensive, less effective and harder to implement.

  • Bio-stable
  • Non-toxic
  • Non-flammable
  • Non-hazardous
  • Biodegradable
  • Phenol-free
  • Phosphate-free
  • Non-ozone depleting
  • Fume and foul-odor free

Research and Case Studies:

Case Study #42: MetLube Rust Removal
Case Study #44: MetLube Increased Sump Life
Case Study #45: MetLube Lowered Scrap Rate
Case Study #47: MetLube IncreasedTool Life